Monday 26 March 2012

REVIEW: The Rock VS John Cena, (WWE Rumblers)

From: Mattel
Price: £9.99
Accessories: A Microphone

Wrestlemania 28 has marked the fantasy dream matchup many a wrestling have talked about happening for years. The Rock and John Cena; both fondly supported wrestling superstars in a long awaited encounter with a divided audience rooting for their favourite of the two, much like Hogan and Warrior before them.

As expected, merchandise and marketing is accompanying what is to date the biggest wrestling match setup since Jacob and God. And, in Rumblers form this clash of egos has been shrunk down into a VS set.

This VS set is a scaling down of a previous release for the regular sized WWE wrestlers, with a couple of obvious and minor differences. Both wrestlers are also bearing official T-shirts as part of their designs rather than usual ring wear. It shows this set is more of a one on one promo rather than a wrestling match itself. Both The Rock and John Cena are known for their catchy and entertaining promos, so perhaps this is what the set of figures is trying to embody.

The Rock is wearing sunglasses (like in his ring entrance) and holding a microphone. The sunglasses themselves are possibly there as a coverup for the lack of likeness to Dwayne Johnson. The Rock’s large left side tattoo is also completely missing, whilst the Brahma Bull emblem on his right arm remains intact. John Cena’s resemblance however, has not been held back in translation.

It is not so much this set, but my issue with Rumbler ‘toys’ in general. Each Rumbler is annoyingly stuck in a pose and is better off a desktop model or ornament - rather than the action figures they are marketed as.    

So, whether you’re aligned with Team Cena or Team Rock I’m sure there’s some novel value in owning this pint sized faceoff, just nothing special.


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