Monday 30 August 2010

Skeletor VS Mo-Larr

After paying a ransom fee to the CUTA people for holding my parcel hostage I came home on Saturday morning with this long awaited arrival.

My SDCC Exclusive Mo-Larr VS Skeletor is finally here in all its 'I must keep sealed in packaging' glory!

For those not in the know, this 2 pack is based on the Robot Chicken season 2 comedy skit about an Eternian dentist with no allegiance for good nor evil but a life long mission to defeat cavities.

I've not cared much for the Masters of the Universe Classics stuff, but this was definitley a must have. Best kept sealed however.

Saturday 28 August 2010

Robot Plane Corps

As if the offerings of Keynsham's local Poundshop was'nt enough bootleg japery for this week, I end up finding these sized up Minicons at Poundland in Broadmead. For £1 you can buy a larger scale Minicon with firing missiles and flying mode action. May I present the Robot Plane Corps!

There are two different bots, but Poundland only had the red and black copter. The other bot - a plane was'nt present. The packaging itself even has what could be original 'Animated' inspired artwork featuring the Plane Corp duo looking happy and cheerful.

For knockoffs, this guy isn't bad. No pop off parts, a working rotor blade and firing missiles. If you have a guilty pleasure for Transformable knockoff tat and... Minicons this is certainly worth a look.


(Click to Enlarge Image)

Wednesday 25 August 2010


They're back... The Poundshop down my neck of the globe has in a newer range of the Alien Terminators.

I'm not sure what Transformers toys these are knockoffs from, but they do seem to be a bit better and bulkier for £1 worth of tat.

Anyone stateside after these, drop me a reply.