Friday 15 February 2008

REVIEW: Chunk, The Goonies series 1

From: Mezco
Retail: around £12.99 - $15.99
Accessories: Pizza slice, Milkshake, Statue of David

The Goonies is one of my all time favourite movies and for me to see a collectable action figure line based on these likable outcasts is a wonderful sight to behold. This line in particular certainly is a toyline to an extent, for there are no playsets or vehicles and even the figures have limited articulation. Chunk here is pretty much a static figure with only a movable head and arms so any performance of the infamous truffle shuffle is near impossible.

In terms of look Chunk's shirt and checkered trousers are really spot on. What lets this figure down (or my personal copy of the figure anyway) are the pink teeth and liver lips on his face. The stock image (pictured) shows the figure with white teeth and normal lips but this figure looks like he's been drinking blood (perhaps this may be a colour variant). Another thing that could have been done is more accessories for presentation sake, such as the 'Captain Chunk' pirate hat and a Baby Ruth bar maybe?

Speaking of accessories. Accompanying Chunk aside from his pirate-deck display stand is: a slice of pizza, a milkshake (which were both smeared on the window by Chunk in the opening credits during the Fratelli jailbreak), and the Statue of David (sans "Mom's favourite peice") from Mikey's house which Chunk broke earlier in the film.

Mezco's action figure offering of Chunk the accident prone, fib telling, teased fat kid Goonie is a fairly good reproduction of the movie character. Aside from the liver lips and blood stained teeth and the lack of extra accessories, Chunk is quite collectable and comes to a close second next to Sloth as the hardest to find Goonie figure. This figure is probably for completists only.

- Hero


  1. Awesome! This got us some attention!

  2. Certainly did. I hope future reviews do the same.

  3. Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. Thank u.

    Pizza Accessories
