Saturday, 26 October 2019

Halloween Mood Table 2019 Encore

In addition to the photo gallery from the previous post, I uploaded a raw unedited 9-minute video presentation of this years Mood Table. It's probably a bit much, but it's all going down soon to make way for a Christmas theme to go up during December Preparation Month (aka November).

I also wanted any reason to make an updated Video Entry after some Youtube issues in 2017 caused a majority of this sites watchable content to disappear.

Whilst its probably another incoherant showcase that you may or may not find entertaining, this video does the Mood Table justice with some of the features such as the lights and other angles that still images don't cover. Grab some drinkage and popcorn and dedicate 10 minutes maximum of your existence on the planet to my Halloween showcase.

And yes, that is a real Bristolian accent.

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